Sunday, October 28, 2007

Because life was never meant to make sense... teapot.

Okay I have been ripping and reripping a teacosy for my partner in the tea cosy swap who shall remain anon. However to help the person who is making lovely things for me, well

Teapot comparison

I didn't actually buy these for comparison, I was cooking, but damn that chocolate looks tasty. :D


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Freely flowing FO's.

Or one, but did I get you hooked? Did I? huh? huh? Okay I actually have one finished object, and that's been my tv crochet/stash-busting for the past few months. Anyway its an oversized granny square and the plan was to make it huge for yours truly. Well my conscience got in the way when I heard that my grandfather with Alzheimers disease kind of needed something that size.

granny square blanket

Actually this photo is when its nearly done, but you get an idea of the size, about 1 metre squared. Oh and just because, I wanted picots. I mean haven't you ever just wanted picots?

granny square blanket - closeup

And just for laughs, trying to chain stitch said grandfather's name onto the blanket. Double points if you get his name right. lol.
Granny square blanket

Anyway hopefully tomorrow I will get a teacosy picture up.

So for now... adios!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

My post for the week

Sorry everyone, at the moment I seem to be averaging about one post a week, mainly because I am so damn TIRED. Arg, anyway, in the crafting realms, my mind has mainly been on sewing clothes, I've suddenly got a huge urge to make pleats and light dresses. For a long time, I've also always wanted a tie skirt. and while the blasted thing has taken me seemingly forever (unpicking about 13 ties happens to be not nearly as exciting as it sounds) a few measuring and hemming mishaps, I present: The tie skirt, lovingly modelled by my dress-form. 6-10-07 004 I must confess, the skirt isn't QUITE complete, with having to hem (read: hemming tape and a nice hot iron) to keep the raw edges at bay. A bit shorter that I'd like it to be (just above knee height) but I like the colours, lots of deep blue with just a random red tie to keep things interesting. It also meets my one criteria for a skirt - its swishy, if it swishes, its a definite part of the wardrobe. Also I have enough basted tie remnants to make a matching bag.... eventually.

All in all, another opshop success!

Tomorrow, I'm planning a nice photo session of the current WIPS (That I'm admitting) and a blanket for my grandfather. (mmm granny squares!)


Sunday, October 7, 2007

Bag lady

Hey everyone! Having just been on school holidays (an earnt perk) I was all psyched to post a thousand things and... nothing, I slept, caught up with friends and more sleeping, discovered a book exchange, and stocked up (read: hoarded) enough fabric supplies to keep me going for a while. :D

I do want to show the new love of my life though, undoubtedly the best anything I've made to day, and its a McCalls pattern, and took me the better part of 24 hours to do, but I do so love it!

Awesome knitting bag

Ooh! so roomy!

More pockets inside awesome bag!
Inside awesome bag
zip without fuss!

The best part of this bag to prove that I'm chea- 'environmentally conscious' is the fact that everything (bar the pattern) is made from thrifted materials! Total cost (again barring the pattern) $9! With enough fabric to make other things!

So nice to finally post this thing! This post alone has been in draft for about a week... slack, tired, all of the above, arg.
