Sunday, April 20, 2008

Run run run

Hey everyone! I have been insanely slack, and rather busy at the same time. The promised holy grail of broadband resulted in cleaning my room at 6am (ack!) and the blokes turning up to discover some telstra hub in next door's garden. They need to do some body corporate crud and sadly that means another 6am start (cruel and unusual torture) next week.

Good news! I am going to be at the Bendigo Wool and Sheep show (surrounded by lovely ravelry peops!) in the middle of winter. I need warm stuff, LOTS of warm stuff. So I have goals. Some of which include busting of stash! Firstly, I am 3/4 of the first armwarmer! Yum! using 4 balls of 100% wool stash. I even have a pic!

secret message mitt

the colours are in a random assortment, whatever I felt like at the time, which means the twin will be fraternal. And just to prove that I really aim to bust, I have a recipe for striped 8ply socks around here.. will hopefully use the balls up for that too :D

my plan/needs for bendigo are:
a warm, thick beanie. probably two.

The goal is to get one thing done a week so that I can have plenty of breathing time and time for other projects, maybe need to make more socks.. just warm stuff!

Anyway, chat later!


Lindsay said...

Oooh very nice stash busting. Have fun at Bendigo!

ikkinlala said...

I love the random stripes. I hope you have a great time at Bendigo!