Who says you shouldn't play with your food eh?
On another note, look what I designed and made! Designed after having about 3hours sleep (thanks a lot, cat) and needing to quickly make a neckwarmer for a friend in an exchange. The colour is absolutely not my colour, but given that the whole shebang is just 2x2 rib with twisted rib, I think it looks quite striking.

Closeup of the pattern.
I reckon the buttonholes need revision, but given that I'm definitely making a second version of this (would I be the only nutter wanting this recipe?), that shouldn't be a problem.
It has occured to me that I haven't taken pics of the handspun I've been producing lately. So here is just a bunch of photos of yarn. Tasty, delicious yarn!

p.s. Also, I shall be at the upcoming Textile Art Festival for the duration of the festival. I will be wearing my rav badge, come up and say hi!!
p.p.s Almost forgot! I finally added a big, crazy pompom to my carrot hat! See!!