Sorry everyone, at the moment I seem to be averaging about one post a week, mainly because I am so damn TIRED. Arg, anyway, in the crafting realms, my mind has mainly been on sewing clothes, I've suddenly got a huge urge to make pleats and light dresses. For a long time, I've also always wanted a tie skirt. and while the blasted thing has taken me seemingly forever (unpicking about 13 ties happens to be not nearly as exciting as it sounds) a few measuring and hemming mishaps, I present: The tie skirt, lovingly modelled by my dress-form.

I must confess, the skirt isn't QUITE complete, with having to hem (read: hemming tape and a nice hot iron) to keep the raw edges at bay. A bit shorter that I'd like it to be (just above knee height) but I like the colours, lots of deep blue with just a random red tie to keep things interesting. It also meets my one criteria for a skirt - its swishy, if it swishes, its a definite part of the wardrobe. Also I have enough basted tie remnants to make a matching bag.... eventually.
All in all, another opshop success!
Tomorrow, I'm planning a nice photo session of the current WIPS (That I'm admitting) and a blanket for my grandfather. (mmm granny squares!)