- Really really really REALLY want to travel
- No-one to travel with.
- Not really inclined to travel overseas on what I guess will be the first of many travel experiences by myself (like Canada, I have been getting this intense desire to ski. Blame it on those student teachers, with their hilarious alcoholic fuelled SNOW adventures)
- Perth is somewhere I have never been, and by all accounts, appears like a good place to go.
- Perth tourism website found me a cheap, fun looking bike tour that included a visit to a winery that is cheap.
- Youth hostel is also cheap
- I figure if I save the way I am saving now, I will have money for cafes and fun there.
- There also happen to be online people I know in Perth, with whom I might politely intrude on their time for an hour or so and meet... PEOPLE
- Having a zillion and one ideas in head at the moment (for both Egypt block swap and pincushion swap and other embroidery things) That I'm seriously considering a visual diary. Just a small one, but something I can play with!
- cheap t-shirts and lovely embroidery, FOR ME!! like Lochers but without the language (I would wear my version to school) of, and make use of that wonderful art-deco iron on transfer book
Good night everyone, hope this rain keeps pouring down!!! (but now while I am at work, the urge to jump out and dance in the rain is strong... damn acting like adult-ness!)